Pangea Online Book Two: Magic and Mayhem available now!

The newest installment in the Pangea Online Series is available on Amazon.

Everything has a price. Pangea Online is no different.

After winning the Developer’s Tournament, Esil has a new life filled with opportunity. He’s the first person to test out their most innovative technology, full-immersion gameplay, in a brand new, unexplored gameworld. Magic and mayhem collide in ways he never thought possible and soon, he finds himself caught in a quest that may alter the course of the game for years to come.

As Esil experiences the grandeur of full-immersion and the line blurs between reality and the gameworld, the NPCs he meets feel more like friends than data. Tasked with defending a small town from dark forces, he must learn to protect its citizens from impending doom or risk losing them forever.

Pick up your copy today

Pangea Online Book Two:  Magic and Mayhem by S.L. Rowland

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