Are you searching for Author Steve Rowland?

Then you must reading Dungeon Crawler Carl book 6, The Eye of the Bedlam Bride. I’m honored to have made an appearance.

Now that the mystery is solved, go finish the book. When you’re done, come back and check out some of my work.

You might notice a certain troll series was the inspiration behind my character in DCC. You can check it out here.

I’m a huge fan of Dungeon Crawler Carl, and Matt Dinniman in general. He and I once had a wild night in Vegas where I locked myself out of my hotel room. But that’s a story for another time.

13 thoughts on “Are you searching for Author Steve Rowland?”

  1. Thank you, I was trying to figure out how Matt sexualized the stripper name but thought I was too naive to figure it out.

  2. Yep. I was wondering where the name came from. I actually figured it was something like this.

    I wish you great success on your books!

  3. Now I understand. It makes perfect sense. The author Steve Rowland also works in an all-male review at Vegas. And Internet rumors imply that the movie “The Hangover” is loosely based on his experiences when he was locked out of his hotel room 👍

  4. I’m very glad this post exists, and I am among fellow Crawlers here. May we all get to the next floor and don’t let them break you!

  5. I also came here from DCC. This post was so perfect that I went to Audible and bought Sentenced to Troll. I’m looking forward to reading it!

  6. New achievement!
    We know you probably didn’t wake up this morning and tell yourself, “Today is the day I’m going to track down a fictional stripper on the internet.” Yet, you did it anyway.
    So here we are.
    Good for you.

    Reward: You found a new author and you get a Bronze naughty browser history box!
    Not good enough for you. Well too bad.

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